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Get to know your skin

Welcome to Serpentine Dermatology. We’re here to help you understand your skin in that instinctive, reassuring way that you know your best friend, or the words to your favourite song. Every time you look in the mirror, your skin should bring you joy, reflecting your inner exuberance in that outer glow. 

Whether your needs are medical, surgical, cosmetic or paediatric, we’ll show you how to keep your skin healthy and happy through safe and effective treatments and products. We’re patient-centred because we’ve all been there – a nagging skin condition, concern about a child, a suspicious-looking mole, a complexion that has lost its lustre. 

We continue to pioneer excellence in skin care because we never give up. We believe in continuous learning and use cutting edge science and technology to get you the results you need, by honouring best practices and ethical standards in an atmosphere that makes you feel special. Because you are – and so is your skin.