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Make your skin feel special

From rejuvenating facials to treatments that target specific problems and different body areas, we’ve got so many ways to make your skin feel healthy and look extraordinary. 


+ Refining Treatment For Men

Men who have suffered (not so silently) from ingrown hairs due to shaving can finally get relief! This treatment targets the face and neck, leaving you looking fresh, smooth and debonair.

+ SkinCeuticals Express Facial

Experience a revitalising power boost with a one-of-a-kind facial that uses SkinCeuticals medical grade products to give your skin the nourishment it needs.

+ Micro Facial

By using a minimally abrasive instrument to gently sand your skin, removing the thicker, uneven outer layer, your skin is made new. This facial works well to treat light scarring, discolouration, sun damage and stretch marks, and often works best in a series.

+ Body/Back Treatment with Chemical Peel

This advanced retexturing treatment alleviates the dull appearance and rough feel of the skin on some areas of the body. Simultaneous exfoliating and hydrating restore your skin’s natural radiance.

+ Reconditioning & Firming Treatment

This anti-aging elixir, perfect for dehydrated, environmentally damaged skin, uses highly concentrated, vitamin-enriched ingredients to firm and recondition.

+ Antioxidant Powerhouse

The highest available concentrate of resveratrol, together with antioxidant vitamins, alleviates dryness and dehydration and has been clinically proven to increase elasticity. Skin looks refreshed and radiant!

+ Clinical Acne Treatment

Designed to calm and correct acne-prone skin, this blend of vitamin C, antioxidants and phyto corrective gels infuse damaged skin, soothing and repairing it.

+ Rosacea Redness Neutraliser

A cooling salve that offers relief from the flushed look that often accompanies this condition, while improving the appearance of rosacea-prone skin.

+ Micropeel Procedure

This three-step glycolic, chemical peel solution and moisturising mask is ideal for patients looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. It also brightens and tightens skin, minimising any imperfections.

+ Micropeel Plus

This unique, self-neutralising, chemical exfoliation is a one-step wonder that minimises acne and helps correct environmental skin damage. About a week afterwards, your skin will go through light to moderate peeling to reveal an improved skin texture and a more even tone.

+ Red Carpet Glow

After this luxurious treatment that includes a light peel, a bio-cellulose mask and our signature facelift massage, you’ll definitely be ready for your close-up! Perfect for those special occasions where your skin needs to look its best. <br data-preserve-html-node="true"

+ Alpha Beta Peel

We combine alpha and beta hydroxy acids to downplay the appearance of surface lines, smooth out skin texture, help clear acne and fade hyperpigmentation. This treatment suits a wide range of skin types and we add the special touch of a vitamin C firming mask to reduce redness and boost radiance.

+ Pigment Balancing Peel

Want to dramatically improve the uneven appearance of photo damaged or mottled skin? This customisable chemical peel blends high-performance brightening and anti-inflammatory agents with a powerful exfoliation acid solution to accelerate cell renewal, diminishing and diffusing localised hyperpigmentation.

+ Lunch Time Peel

You’re in and out in less than 30 minutes, with no downtime and extraordinary results! Return to work looking fresher than you left, with a note to self to book another one soon: low-downtime peels work best in a series.

+ Epiwave Ultrasonic Facial

Cutting edge, ultrasonic technology utilises low frequency sound waves in three stages to repair the skin at a cellular level to combat aging skin, clear up acne, manage rosacea and lessen hyperpigmentation.

  • Step 1 – The ultrasonic peel removes dead skin cells by cavitating pores with a gentle sound wave, leaving skin properly exfoliated and ready for nourishment.
  • Step 2 – Sonophoresis allows ultrasound waves to open microscopic pathways between skin cells so that nutrient-rich treatments, based on your skin’s needs, can penetrate.
  • Step 3 – A painless, low-level micro-current travels to injured cells, restoring them to normal balance and function.

    + Dermaroller

    An amazingly advanced micro-medical skin needling procedure that stimulates the epidermis to regenerate itself naturally and safely, creating silky, healthier, younger looking skin.