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Janine Mendes-Franco

We’re not about gatekeeping — the aim of our newsletter has always been to educate and empower you to advocate for your own skin health. In that spirit, here are some useful skin tips…

Dr. Tonya Abraham-Ali, Dermatologist 

“Being a dermatologist for nearly two decades has been an incredibly rewarding experience — and during that time I’ve learned two crucial lessons that everyone should know:

  1. Dermatology isn’t just about cosmetics. A common misconception is that we only focus on aesthetic concerns, but in reality, we often play a key role in diagnosing serious medical conditions. Many diseases – Lupus is just one example – first manifest through skin symptoms, making dermatologists the first line of defense in detecting underlying health issues.

  2. Speaking of misconceptions, skin cancer screenings are essential for everyone – not just those with fair skin. I’ve unfortunately lost patients to skin cancers that could have been easily prevented with earlier detection. Regular screenings can save lives. 

Skin health is a window that offers me and my patients a view of their overall well-being, a perspective that continues to shape my approach to professional care.”

Robyn Stauble, Medical Aesthetician 

“When I think of healthy skin, the thing that will always come first on my list is sun protection. Sunblock is critical in preventing premature ageing and skin cancers, and it also goes a long way in maintaining healthy skin!

No matter how many skincare products and treatments we invest in to help us achieve more youthful skin, it all comes down to using sunblock – and using it properly. That is always my first line of defence. 

Sunblock shields our skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that have the power to break down collagen and elastin, which leads to wrinkles and other signs of premature ageing. Sun exposure can also contribute to uneven skin tone, as it can cause us to develop sun spots and patches of hyperpigmentation. UV ray exposure often plays a role in the development of skin cancers as well. If we want youthful skin — and just as importantly, healthy skin — we must use sunblock. 

To really get the full benefits of sunblock, though, we must use it correctly. Many people do not realise that sunblock needs to be reapplied every two hours to be effective — and it must be used even on overcast days, since UV rays penetrate through clouds, windows, etc. 

One last tip: make sure your sunscreen is broad spectrum, over 30 SPF and is formulated to protect against  both UVA and UVB rays.” 

Mikaili Hamel-Smith, Aesthetic Nurse 

“The concept of ‘less is more’ in skincare is so important — especially now, with the barrage of trending products on social media. Simplifying your routine can help you understand and cater to your skin's specific needs. By reducing the number of products you use, you’re actually in a better position to identify which products benefit your skin and which might be causing irritation or breakouts. 

Our skin is continually changing due to factors like age, environment, and lifestyle, so what worked for you a few years ago may no longer give you the same results today. Everyone's skin is unique, after all – what works for influencers or friends may not be compatible with your individual skin type or concerns. 

Instead of following trends, listen to your skin's signals and focus on creating a routine specifically tailored to you. So try using a minimal number of products at a time, observing how your skin reacts, and adjusting accordingly to find the right balance.” 


Janine Mendes-Franco

As the incidence of autoimmune diseases trends upwards, people living with conditions like alopecia, vitiligo, psoriasis, and psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis – searching for relief from debilitating symptoms – have grappled with serious side effects from prescribed medications. 

More targeted treatment 

Enter biologics — advanced therapies made from living cells. Unlike conventional drugs, which tend to broadly suppress the immune system, biologics operate in a highly targeted manner. With autoimmune diseases, they block the pathways that trigger your body to attack healthy cells, thereby inhibiting progression of the condition. Simply put, they’ve been a game changer. 

By precisely honing in on the molecules involved in the inflammatory process, biologics can help keep symptoms under control while reducing the risk of widespread immune suppression. As with any drug, biologics have better responses in some patients — and this may also change along the journey. Everything is balance, so this may require switching to something else, especially when you consider that biologics are complex to make, and often expensive. 

JAK inhibitors also producing results 

One option comes in the form of Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors. JAKs are proteins that help your body’s cells communicate with each other. Think of them like a messenger — but in the case of autoimmune diseases, they’re getting the instructions mixed up. Like biologics, JAK inhibitors have had great success in treating autoimmune diseases and other inflammatory conditions such as: 

  • Alopecia Areata: This sudden hair loss occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles. 

  • Vitiligo: This condition causes the immune system to destroy melanocytes — the cells responsible for skin colour.

  • Psoriasis: Rapid skin cell growth causes thick, scaly patches that are often painful and itchy. 

  • Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis: These painful conditions affect the joints.

While they both modulate the immune system to treat autoimmune conditions, they do so in different ways. In some cases, they might even be used in combination, depending on the patient’s needs and the specific condition being treated. 

By blocking the inflammatory signals and pathways that cause such conditions, these two families of drugs are working wonders in easing symptoms, improving functionality and enhancing the quality of people’s lives. But don’t take out word for it — hear about their real-world impact from one of our patients…

R, psoriasis patient 

I was prescribed the biologic drug Skyrizi by Dr. Tonya Abraham for the treatment of psoriasis, and to say that it was a complete success is an understatement. I was first diagnosed with psoriasis when I was sixteen. It was extremely difficult for me to accept, because I spent most of my weekends at the beach. My self-confidence was very low and I was in a deep depression, even though I hid it well. 

Over the years, I have tried many types of treatments – from herbal teas and acupuncture to every type of cream and soap available. Very few relieved the itching and redness, and those that did wouldn’t last very long once my body got accustomed to it. 

Then, earlier this year, Dr. Abraham prescribed this treatment to me. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical – not because I didn’t trust her, but because I’ve had so many disappointments over a 28-year period. I decided I would take her counsel and try the treatment.

This treatment did for me what all the others couldn’t.

Four months later, I couldn’t be happier! My advice to those affected is trust your doctor and trust the science. Skyrizi has my vote – every day!

If you are struggling with an autoimmune condition (or undiagnosed symptoms that might suggest this as a possibility), come in and see us. We will assess your particular situation and devise a personalised treatment plan as the condition dictates. 

As these innovative classes of drugs evolve, they will continue to provide breakthroughs in autoimmune disease management, safely and effectively.


Janine Mendes-Franco

Trinidad and Tobago Carnival is a high-energy, non-stop celebration of music, movement, and vibrant expression. Whether you're gearing up for the road, hitting every fête, or simply want to feel your best, incorporating key wellness treatments into your pre-Carnival routine can make all the difference. 

From boosting circulation to reducing bloating, here are our top three treatments that will have you glowing, energised, and ready to break free!

1. Lymphatic drainage massage 

Detox and de-bloat with this therapeutic massage designed to reduce swelling by encouraging the natural flow of lymph fluid. 

Carnival benefits

  • Reduces bloating and fluid retention, so you feel lighter and more comfortable in your costume.

  • Amps up muscle definition to further highlight all your gym gains.

  • Enhances circulation, giving your skin a healthy, radiant glow.

  • Supports immune function, helping you stay strong through long nights and high-energy days.

  • Aids in post-fête, J’ouvert, and Monday and Tuesday recovery by flushing out toxins and minimising soreness.

2. IV Therapy

Get an instant hydration and energy boost with this quick and effective way to deliver essential vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream.

Carnival benefits

  • Provides rapid hydration, helping you stay refreshed and energised.

  • Delivers essential nutrients to combat fatigue and boost vitality.

  • Enhances recovery, reducing post-fête lethargy.

  • Strengthens your immune system, keeping you feeling your best throughout the season.

3. Facial acupuncture 

Get camera-ready with this rejuvenating treatment that enhances your natural glow while supporting overall wellness and reducing head and jaw tension.

Carnival benefits

  • Promotes a plump, radiant complexion for a fresh, glowing look.

  • Relieves stress and promotes relaxation of the facial muscles.

  • Stimulates collagen production, helping to smooth fine lines and enhance skin elasticity.

  • Supports overall energy balance, keeping you feeling refreshed and revitalised.

Discover more Greenhouse treatments that will leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated; call us at  687-1425 to find out more and make a booking. 


Janine Mendes-Franco

The therapists and medical professionals making a difference in your wellness journey are here and ready to get you started! Our skilled team of therapists and wellness practitioners provides personalised care to support your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Tiffany Alcantara, Clinical Psychologist 

Tiffany’s holistic approach blends trauma resolution techniques with mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to help build resilience. With a Masters Degree in ClinicalPsychology from the University of the West Indies and over 15 years of experience in private practice, Tiffany specialises in treating anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma, and helps patients adjust to major life changes. Her holistic therapeutic approach blends trauma resolution techniques with mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

Jade Gomez, Craniosacral Therapist

Through gentle, non-invasive craniosacral therapy (CST), Jade relieves tension and fosters healing, supporting those with chronic pain, stress, or neurological conditions. Having dealt with anxiety and depression herself, she found CST to be an effective solution for achieving physical, emotional and neurological balance, resulting in an improved quality of life. CST supports the body’s natural healing process by improving fluid flow and relieving tension in the central nervous system.

Mikaili Hamel-Smith, Registered Aesthetic Nurse 

Detail-oriented and committed to providing exceptional patient care, Mikaili is certified in the administration of various injectables, including vitamin drips, Botox and filler treatments. Mikaili first qualified as a medical aesthetician, where she performed a wide range of procedures, from chemical peels to laser therapy. She then became a registered nurse, and her clinical expertise and critical thinking skills are matched only by her compassion.

Kristin Lee, Acupuncturist 

Specialising in “Sooji Chim,” a Korean healing practice focusing on the hands, Kristin’s targeted therapy offers relief from pain and stress, and enhances overall health. Through careful manipulation of specific points and meridians in the hands, Kristin can positively influence various organs, systems, and overall well-being. Korean hand therapy is a natural and effective choice for stress relief and relaxation, improved circulation, pain relief, enhanced immune function, boosted energy levels, better digestion, sharper focus and and greater mental clarity.

Sharon Lochan, Massage Therapist

With expertise in various therapeutic massage techniques, Sharon delivers personalised treatments to restore physical and mental well-being. Trained at the Trinidad and Tobago School of Massage Therapy and Beauty Culture (TTMAC), Sharon has continuously kept abreast of therapy techniques – including reflexology, integrated manual therapy, suction cupping and orthopaedic sports massage – using them to create a signature massage style that improves her clients’ well-being. To her, massage therapy is the catalyst that helps people feel better, both physically and mentally.

Roberto Mansoor, Holistic Therapist

Drawing from Asian body therapies and a deep meditation practice, Roberto brings a transformative approach to healing through ancient methods like Thai massage and Ayurvedic bodywork. With over 20 years of expertise in these ancient modalities, he is a  proponent of the mind-body connection, believing that skilled bodywork combined with clear healing intention can produce profound results. At the core of Roberto’s work is his daily meditation practice and dedication to his personal healing journey.

Dr. Keshenee Ramnarine, Psychiatrist

With over a decade of experience in guiding individuals toward holistic healing, Dr. Ramnarine provides compassionate psychiatric and mental health support. A national scholarship winner who graduated from the University of the West Indies with her Doctorate of Medicine, her interest in the human mind and human behaviour led her to specialise in psychiatry. Accredited with the Specialist Register of the Medical Board of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Ramnarine supports those who struggle with their mental health on their journey toward healing.

Tikira Beresford, Osteopath

Trained at the European School of Osteopathy in the UK, Tikira is passionate about helping you achieve comfort in their bodies through holistic care that focuses on pain relief as well as the restoration of movement and function. An allied health profession that involves diagnosing, treating, and preventing health issues, osteopathy is based on the principle that the body’s function is governed by its structure. By addressing the musculoskeletal system, therefore, you can enhance your overall health. 

Ready to embark on your own wellness journey? Book a slot (687-1425) to nurture your mind, body, and soul.