Contact Us

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Whether you have a physician’s referral, are concerned about something you’ve noticed or want to give your skin some TLC, make an appointment to come in and see us; we’ll always do our best to help. 

New Patient Forms

If you’re visiting us for the first time, click here to fill out our patient form. Completing and submitting this form beforehand can save you at least 10 minutes of wait time. 


Your time, like ours, is valuable. We know that you strive to honour your commitments, but we also know that unexpected things come up. When they do, we’d appreciate your rescheduling with us at least 24 hours in advance so that we can give your slot to someone else who needs to see us. This helps us reduce overbooking and long wait times, making everyone’s day go more smoothly. If you miss your appointment without notifying us, we’ll include a 50 percent surcharge at your next visit.