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We love questions, because they help us find the right solutions for you and your skin! Here are the ones we get asked most often:


+ Do you accept bank transfer payments?

Yes. See below for payment information for bank transfers:

Name of company: Serpentine Dermatology Services Ltd
Bank: Scotiabank Ellerslie
Transit number: 95315
Cheque Account: 3893530


+ What is a facial and why do I need one?

Facials are skin treatments designed for the face that include the use of steam exfoliation, extractions, masques, creams and massages for general skin health.

+ How many facials will I need before there’s a visible improvement in my skin and how often should I get one?

We recommend a minimum of four facials, done at regular intervals; once a month is ideal. If you have allergies or are on medication, please let us know before we begin the treatment.

+ What shouldn’t I do after my facial?

Try to stay out of the sun and try not to sweat for at least 24 hours after you have a facial – so no beach and no gym.

+ There are so many facials to choose from – how do I decide?

Under the Skincare tab on our website, you can learn more about the benefits of the different facials we offer – and we’re always happy to have a conversation about your skin to help decide which treatment would be best for you.

+ What do chemical peels do?

By removing a layer of dead skin cells, peels improve skin’s texture and laxity and help reduce pigmentation and acne scarring.

+ How do they feel?

Most people say they feel like tiny ant bites. Depending on the strength of the peel, you may experience slight stinging, itching or burning sensations on your skin.

+ I suppose the peel will make me peel?

Not necessarily; it all depends on the sensitivity level of your skin and its reaction to the treatment. Everyone is different. Modern-day peels actually don’t often result in sheet peeling, since the process is so precise and targeted. It’s a much more microscopic approach to skin renewal.

To learn more about facials, check out these issues of our ‘Elements’ newsletter:


+ Are laser treatments safe?

Laser and light-based treatments can safely treat a variety of medical conditions. They are also great for certain cosmetic applications, including hair and tattoo removal.

+ How long do laser treatments take, and how many sessions will I need?

Treatment duration varies depending on your specific situation, but it is typically brief (15-20 minutes) and done over a series of sessions spaced weeks apart. With hair removal, for instance, the required number of sessions is largely determined by hair colour and type, body area and skin tone. Depending on your particular condition, we will recommend a plan that works best for you.

+ Are there any precautions I should take?

Try to stay out of the sun for at least two weeks before your treatment. If you’ve already been in the sun, it’s best to wait for your tanned skin to fade before starting. If you’re doing the treatment to specifically target hair removal, do not bleach, pluck or wax the area for four to six weeks before and after your appointment.

+ Are laser treatments painful?

Most patients tolerate the treatments very well and find them quick, effective and non-invasive. To make hair removal more comfortable, we use a patented Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD™), which preps your skin by spraying it with a cooling burst of cryogen milliseconds before the laser pulse. You may also opt for a topical anaesthetic to make you more comfortable. Patients undergoing tattoo removal are most likely to experience some discomfort.

+ What happens during the process? Are there any side effects?

A small handpiece emits an intense beam of light, which your skin absorbs and converts to heat. The targeted cells absorb this heat, but the surrounding tissue remains unaffected. The most common side effect is that your skin may look slightly red immediately following the procedure. This typically lasts anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Some people may also experience swelling, pinpoint bleeding, or tingling, but these are transient and will differ depending on the treatment you receive and how your skin reacts to it.

+ What laser equipment do you use?

We use the PicoWay, the PicoWay Resolve and the GentleMax Pro lasers, each effective in its own way for treating specific medical and cosmetic challenges.

PicoWay is a laser with high peak power and ultra-short pulse durations. It reaches below the surface of the skin to target pigment, such as dark spots or tattoo ink, and breaks it down into tiny particles nearly invisible to the naked eye. PicoWay has full clearance from the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of acne scars, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, as well as for tattoo removal. Even better, PicoWay treatments come with little to no downtime. While the laser works across a broad range of skin types, depending on the wavelength needed for your treatment, PicoWay may not be the best match for your skin. Our dermatologists will assess your particular case and recommend the best course of action.

PicoWay Resolve is a specific add-on for the PicoWay laser system, with a handpiece that splits the full laser into tiny microbeams – a revolutionary approach for traditionally hard-to-treat conditions like acne scars and wrinkles. The laser acts by creating tiny open spaces under the epidermis, where new collagen and elastin can build up and transform the skin over time.

The Gentlemax Pro laser is best for permanent hair removal and skin tightening. Following up this treatment by using products from our medical grade skincare line, Skinceuticals, will enhance the results.

+ How soon can I expect to see results?

Depending on the condition, you may be able to see improvement as soon as the first treatment, though multiple sessions are usually needed.

+ Can I return to normal activities after my treatment?

Yes. The lasers we use offer low to no downtime. Most people are able to return to their activities shortly afterwards, while others may need a bandage to keep the area dry for a few days (most common with tattoo removal).

+ How much do laser treatments cost?

Cost varies by treatment type, size of the area to be treated, and the number of sessions required. Our doctors can give you a clear idea of the cost to treat your particular condition.


+ What exactly is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure through which we remove a layer of dead skin cells to help combat acne scarring and hyperpigmentation. At the same time, it boosts skin texture and minimises the appearance of pores.

+ How does it feel?

The treatments feel like an energetic suction process – invigorating, with little or no pain.

+ How long is the downtime?

Microdermabrasion usually only results in a little redness immediately following the treatment, so there’s very little downtime involved (and very often, none at all).

To learn more about microdermabrasion, check out these issues of our ‘Elements’ newsletter: