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Laser Treatment


GentleMax Pro™

With its patented cooling technology that releases a quick burst of air after each heat pulse, this practically painless laser is our go-to for the following conditions…

+ Facial/body hair removal

Reducing the need for shaving (which often results in unsightly stubble), or waxing and depilatory creams (which can leave skin irriated), this advanced solution gives you the everyday convenience of ready-to-bare skin.

+ Skin tightening

Our skin structure naturally weakens as we age, but this powerful laser stimulates collagen and elastin production, improving skin’s appearance in telltale areas like the neck and cheeks, and even reducing lines around the mouth and eyes.

+ Pigmentation therapy

Thanks to sun exposure and environmental toxins, the skin discolours as we age. Smoking and drinking alcohol can exacerbate pigmentation, which often shows up as either benign freckle-like spots or cancerous skin anomalies. Depending on the severity and size of the discolouration, this laser treatment is an efficient, non-invasive solution.

+ Acne and rosacea treatment

The laser’s dual wavelength platform soothes the skin, making it mild enough to calm acne and reduce redness, yet powerful enough to even out the skin tone and diminish the appearance of painful bumps.

+ Nail fungus removal

Targeted heat pulses get at the root of stubborn nail fungus, killing the microbes that cause it without the pain or downtime of surgery. The laser successfully penetrates the nail bed, a hard-to-reach area where the fungus usually resides.

+ Wart removal

The directed beam of the GentleMax Pro permeates the wart’s tissue and eradicates it with very little discomfort and no scarring. Depending on the size and location of the wart, our dermatologists may need to use a local anaesthetic, but laser therapy is generally the quickest and most effective way to deal with the problem.

+ Vein removal

While the GentleMax Pro is both potent and versatile, it is also sensitive to patients’ comfort, making it ideal for treating unsightly veins and vascular lesions, including hemangiomas (an abnormal buildup of blood vessels on the skin), facial veins, spider veins, and leg veins.


Picoway™ and Picoway Resolve™

By concentrating more power into a smaller spot size and giving practitioners the ability to operate on several wavelengths, PicoWay has earned its status as the world’s leading laser, brilliantly handling skin irregularities with fewer treatments, less discomfort, quicker results and virtually no downtime.

+ Tattoo removal

The PicoWay laser has revolutionised tattoo removal by operating on three different wavelengths, with high peak power and the shortest pulses in between. With better clearance than other lasers, PicoWay skillfully breaks down every imaginable tattoo colour, photoacoustically shattering the pigment until you can barely tell that anything was there.

+ Hyperpigmentation

Both PicoWay lasers perform incredibly well in minimising the discolouration associated with isolated, benign pigmented lesions like seborrheic keratosis, nevus spilus, freckles, cafe au lait macules, lengtigines, melasma and Becker's nevus.

+ Stretch marks

Whether from growth spurts, hormonal changes, pregnancy or weight loss, as many as 95 per cent of women battle stretch marks. Traditionally tough to treat, PicoWay gets results with minimal skin disruption. There are noticeable improvements after each session and the laser’s sublative™ technology makes skin smoother and more elastic, reducing the disolouration associated with the condition, regardless of skin type.

+ Scarring

PicoWay’s sublative™ technology also receives high marks for treating facial post-acne scars. The customisable laser is gentle yet powerful enough to diminsh scarring, while restoring vigor and suppleness to the skin. Its results with surgical and other forms of scarring are also impressive.

+ Wrinkles

In treatment studies [link], 86 per cent of patients who underwent the laser treatment for wrinkles, sagging and other age-related skin issues were happy with the results.

+ Skin rejuvenation

The PicoWay laser is proficient at tightening and toning the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reducing pore size and calming painful skin conditions like rosacea.