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Janine Mendes-Franco

We’re all familiar with the 8x8 water rule, which touts the importance of drinking an eight-ounce glass eight times a day. Recent research by Harvard Medical School, however, suggests there’s no one-size-fits all answer, with most people needing between four and six glasses a day to stay hydrated. Water undoubtedly has positive effects on our health, but is glowing skin one of them?

Here’s what happens when you drink water: it’s absorbed by the intestines, after which it’s distributed throughout your body via the bloodstream. This is great when it comes to things like temperature regulation, stable organs and efficient metabolism, but there is no direct scientitic correlation between water intake and skin hydration levels.

Hydrate skin from the outside in

We know what you’re thinking: How is that even possible? We’ve all seen the effects of dehydrated skin, a desert against which every line seems more pronounced – but because skin loses moisture through the epidermis, it needs a topical solution, just like a desert needs rain.

This is where good moisturisers like our incredible SkinCeuticals range come in. Scientifically formulated for all skin types and available as serums, gels or creams, they help restore skin’s protective barrier and keep precious mositure in.

Follow the skin’s golden rule

When it comes to skin health, a better rule to follow is The Golden Minute, whereby you moisturise within a minute of getting out of the shower in order to seal in that hydration. SkinCeuticals moisturisers, full of active ingredients like ceramides, fillagrins, and hyaluronic acid go much further for your skin than eight daily glasses of water ever could.

Here’s a quick look at some of your best bets…


This is part of our everyday routine! We love its barely-there feel, so our skin doesn’t feel bogged down or greasy. Bonus? It help minimise the appearance of pores and is durable enough to keep moisture locked in for the day without having to reapply.


An amazing hydrating serum that makes skin feel smoother and younger. We love that it’s completely oil-free and uses hyaluronic acid, a natural hydrator, to retain moisture where it’s most needed. Great for skin that’s prone to breakouts.


This is a super anti-ageing cream that nourishes and hydrates skin, encouraging self-repair by restoring strength to its external barrier. Fine lines and wrinkles? We can hardly see them!


An aqueous emulsion that helps halt early signs of ageing by increasing the cell turnover on the skin’s surface. The result? Clearer, more evenly toned skin. Gorgeous!

So…should you drink water? Absolutely – once you also treat moisturisers like water for your skin.