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Janine Mendes-Franco

In the same way we need air to live, Oxygeneo has applied the same concept—letting your skin breathe—to its facial technology, with impressive results! By using the body’s natural physiological processes to augment your skin’s oxygen levels, it achieves visible improvements as early as the first treatment.

 Just as impressive are its benefits to acne-prone and acne-scarred skin. Recently, with the stress of both COVID-19 and exams, we’ve been treating a lot of teenagers, who are already susceptible to acne breakouts because of their changing hormonal balance. Our targeted, acne scarring Oxygeneo facials give them quick results without downtime—or the side effects of oral medications.

 Even better, this purifying facial, with its natural infusion of powerfully gentle ingredients, rejuvenates skin and evens out pigmentation. Our patients have told us that, regardless of skin type, their skin looks and feels clean, hydrated and refreshed—but why take our word for it when you can see for yourself?


Want to try it? Make an appointment with us and watch your skin transform!