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Janine Mendes-Franco

Much like a moat around a castle, your skin is your body’s first line of defence against enemies – from bacteria and viruses that cause infections to environmental pollutants. When your skin is healthy, it offers multi-layered protection, like a well-formed army; when it’s not, those layers break down under pressure.

The best way to rally the troops is to take good care of your skin by eating and hydrating well, and choosing effective skin care products that enhance your skin’s balance. The right products can make all the difference – not only in how well your skin does its job, but also in how beautiful it looks.

Moisture monitoring

Healthy skin instinctively retains the moisture your body needs, but in tropical climates like ours – especially with the recent onslaught of Sahara dust we’ve been experiencing – it can use all the help it can get! Check out our superior SkinCeuticals moisturising products

SPF safety

Our climate also makes Caribbean skin more susceptible to sun exposure. Harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays give skin-damaging free radicals free reign, causing cell damage, premature ageing and even diseases like skin cancer. Protect yourself with our range of SkinCeuticals sunscreens that are super-effective, yet still feel light and breathable.

Anti-aging training

Whether your skin is genetically predisposed to early ageing or is feeling the effects of environmental exposure, we’ve got serums that can help reverse the effects. They’re well acclaimed for their combination of antioxidants and vitamins that deeply penetrate the skin, offering fantastic results. Shop for them here to rediscover your skin’s firmness and youthful glow.