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Janine Mendes-Franco

Quick! Name the area that can most quickly give away your age. Hint: it’s a real pain in the neck – but now, thanks to SkinCeuticals Tripeptide-R Neck Repair, those days are over!

Using a high performance, slow-release, retinol-based formula, Tripeptide-R Neck Repair firms up skin in the neck area and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and horizontal lines, effectively intercepting both early and advanced signs of ageing.

Other active ingredients strengthen skin’s cells and allow for improved absorption of the formula, making skin visibly firmer and more resilient.

Great for all skin types; just use once a day to improve wrinkled, sun-damaged or sagging neck skin – and reclaim your confidence!

Our stock should be here by the end of the month; call us to reserve your bottle, or ask us to hold one for you via our online Order Form.