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Janine Mendes-Franco

A CO2RE laser treatment is an effective, non-surgical approach to dealing with nagging signs of ageing, from fine lines and wrinkles to crow’s feet, sun damage, and sagging skin (including bags under the eyes). It’s also an incredible option to improve the appearance of scars and acne marks, though it takes about six months for pitted acne scars to really heal.

While the end result may be best compared to a series of deep chemical peels, the CO2RE requires only a single treatment, the effects of which typically last for as long as ten years!

With the flexibility of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the perfect time to book your session, since recovery generally takes about a week.


As we get older, our skin naturally goes through changes: skin texture may not be as smooth or as supple, skin tone gets duller, uneven pigmentation becomes more noticeable, fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear, and skin may even start to sag.

The CO2RE treatment has been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of ageing. It works wonders with sun-damaged skin, as well as with acne, traumatic and surgical scars.


The CO2RE’s ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser seamlessly resurfaces the skin, enhancing tone and texture, eliminating the visible effects of sun exposure, and smoothing out lines and wrinkles. The positive results are noticeable and last a long time without further intervention.


In a Candela study, 100% of patients reported that they were “very satisfied” with outcomes, and as many as 83% saw an improvement in scar reduction. Here’s what some of our own clients have to say about the CO2RE treatment:

“So happy to have done this laser treatment. I got totally unexpected, amazing results! Thank you.” – Kathy

“The CO2RE laser is the best investment you could make for yourself. No more rosacea, melasma, or sun damage, and [you get] incredible improvement on your fine lines – it really is amazing! You will have a brand new face! It certainly took a few years off me.” – Wendy

“I am not one to look after my skin so decided to try the CO2RE laser. Big investment, but worth it as it got rid of my sun damage, my rosacea, my lines – everything in one go. Incredible...I won’t have to do a thing for a long time. – Anon.

“I did the CO2RE laser treatment a little over a year ago. At Serpentine Dermatology, there was a perfect mix of total professionalism, friendly support and concern for me throughout the procedure. It was long but not at all painful; perhaps just a bit uncomfortable, until the cooling down period at the end of the procedure. Holding a little hand-held, battery-operated fan [for about 30 to 45 minutes] helped enormously, [after which] the burning stopped completely. Over the next couple of days, every time I looked at my scabby face and neck I thought, “What have I done?” But I followed the healing protocols carefully and every day, the healing process was noticeable. By Day 10, my face literally looked – and more importantly to me, felt – 10 years younger.  Of course, at 65 years of age, 10 years younger is still not the clear, firm skin it once was, but I’m happy I did the CO2RE procedure. There is a suppleness that was not there before and a renewed confidence in my appearance that feels really good.” – Anon.