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Janine Mendes-Franco

Now that Trinidad and Tobago has confirmed its first case of COVID-19, we would like to reinforce the Ministry of Health’s guidelines regarding the protocol for reporting symptoms, especially if you may have recently travelled to countries where the coronavirus is prevalent, or have had contact with others who have visited those countries.

If you have flu-like symptoms – particularly a mild cough or low-grade fever – you are to isolate yourself and avoid contact with people. This includes limiting interaction with family members. You should also call your doctor or nearest health centre to describe your symptoms, but do not make an in-person visit.

Instead, Ministry of Health officers will come to you in order to take samples for COVID-19 testing, assess your symptoms and prescribe medication if necessary. Please note that you should avoid taking aspirin until you are properly assessed. If your case requires medical support, the Ministry of Health will make arrangements to have you transferred to a hospital.

A reminder, once more, that prevention can go a long way in controlling the spread of COVID-19, so please continue to:

1.     Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with warm water and soap. Hand washing should last as long as it takes you to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.

2.     Use hand sanitiser with a high alcohol content if you are unable to wash your hands. 

3.     Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.

4.     Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing and wear a face mask, especially when making essential trips to the grocery or pharmacy.

5.     Avoid close contact with anyone displaying flu-like symptoms (social distancing).

6.     Ensure that your food is properly washed and thoroughly cooked before eating. 

You can find the official list of public health facilities here. We encourage you to follow these guidelines for your own health and safety.

If you need help with explaining the pandemic to children, we have found this guide by Manuela Molina a good resource. The hope is that if we all work together responsibly, the spread and potential impact of COVID-19 in Trinidad and Tobago can be minimised.