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Janine Mendes-Franco

Most of us who live in the Caribbean are people of colour, yet there are still far too many misconceptions floating around about skin of colour. The result? Inaccurate skincare advice that can sometimes have damaging consequences. We’ll set the record straight…

Misconception: Caribbean skin doesn’t need sunscreen. 

Reality: Yes, it does. 

Sure, additional melanin offers people of colour more protection from the effects of harmful UV rays than those who have lighter skin, but everybody needs to wear sunscreen. We’ve been singing that song for years. It’s even more important for us in Trinidad and Tobago, being so close to the equator (particularly with the impacts of climate change), because sunburn and skin cancer can—and have—struck people of every hue. 

Misconception: Caribbean skin ages well, regardless. 

Reality: Ageing well requires effort. 

The fact is that living in the tropics, with heat, humidity and sun exposure, can have just as much of a visible impact on darker skin as the harsh effect of temperate climates does on lighter skin. Ageing gracefully requires to key components: first, a proper and consistent skincare routine, using quality products that are suited to your particular skin type. Our SkinCeuticals products are some of the most trusted and scientifically robust lines available, and we’d be happy to recommend a skincare ritual for you. Bear in mind that skin of colour often ages differently from white skin, meaning that you might start to notice things like discolouration, hyperpigmentation and age spots rather than wrinkles or crow’s feet. Secondly, we’ve found that inner beauty always shines through, and that people who are grateful, kind and young at heart always seem to age well. 

Misconception: Caribbean skin isn’t suited to modern skin treatments.

Reality: Everything is relative. 

The technology we use at Serpentine Dermatology is amazingly advanced and, under our professional guidance, able to successfully treat all types of skin. In fact, medical board-approved dermatologists should be the only people you trust with procedures like peels, lasers and the like. We’ve seen far too many cases of spa treatments gone awry, patients being given inaccurate advice for complicated skin conditions, or even worse, using over the counter products that make the problem worse.

We’re here to help keep your Caribbean skin healthy and beautiful, and are just a phone call away if you want to schedule a consultation