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Janine Mendes-Franco

March 8 is International Women’s Day. Women are reportedly being most adversely affected by the pandemic, but we’ve noticed that instead of focusing on the real and urgent issues women face, there continues to be a disproportional interest in how women look rather than who they are.

This is partly what drives the multi-billion-dollar cosmetics industry, but to what end? While some products can definitely boost skin health, caving in to mainstream and social media pressure can sometimes lead to women – often the youngest and most beautiful – having body confidence issues.

To honour the spirit of International Women’s Day, we’ve asked a few outstanding ladies, all part of our Serpentine Dermatology family, to tell us what real beauty means to them. We hope it helps you to look at yourself with gentleness and see just how amazing you really are.


Beauty and strength are synonymous — one cannot exist without the other. I feel most beautiful when my children make me smile. Motherhood has been the most powerful, empowering and sacred part of my life. It is, in essence, compassion and sacrifice that makes us all so potentially beautiful. Once we realise this, nothing can stand in our way! The world can be our palette to paint a masterpiece so exquisite, that never could we have envisioned we had the ability to create such beauty.
— Tonya Abraham-Ali, Dermatologist


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We as women are designed to be a pillar of strength to our family, friends and community. It is important as women to lift each other up and stay focused in our faith. It is also fundamentally important to be aware that beauty comes from within and not what is deemed by society. In a world full of clones, it is important to be oneself. Let’s continue to love and spread light.
— Cynthia Rennes, Nurse


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Beauty is independence — being able to stand on your own two feet. A beautiful woman stands out amongst the crowds; you can always tell she’s caring and kind, and you would love to be her friend.
— Savannah, 11 years old


What makes a woman beautiful goes far beyond what meets the eye at first glance. A woman’s beauty is reflected in how she lives her life and the outer display of her inner qualities. This confidence results in her seeing it unnecessary to compete with others, but rather, owning her unique light.

A beautiful woman leads a life of integrity, compassion for all, and generosity of spirit toward all living beings.
Among the most beautiful of characteristics is a woman who marches to the beat of her own drum — a capacity she gains through a deep sense of being independent, though having faith in the power of collaboration.

A sense of humour is always a beautiful trait and is something I think women should keep, especially as they strive to be the most powerful and successful version of themselves.

I admire women who treat others with fairness and equality. We are all one regardless of creed, race or circumstances.

A beautiful woman is one who takes care of her health and is willing to age gracefully, while, of course wearing her unique, beautiful smile as much as possible, even amid the many challenges that may come her way.
— Meiling, Fashion Designer

Make sure to check in with us on Instagram and Facebook on March 8, when we’ll have a super-special beauty message for you!