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Janine Mendes-Franco

“Beauty is only skin deep” is a reminder never to judge a book by its cover; quite fittingly, the saying applies to your skin as well. Healthy, glowing skin can only come from the inside out, so what’s happening under the surface is a key indicator of the state of your skin. The CO2RE laser goes deep to rejuvenate your skin from the inside, out.

Breaking the barrier 

The skin barrier, or epidermis, is the outermost layer of your skin. Its main job is to be like a moat around the castle of your body, protecting it from outside intruders. Underneath lies the dermis. Think of it as your castle’s wall — the layer that houses the proteins your skin needs to stay firm and flourishing. 

When it comes to skin rejuvenation, these are the areas that matter most, managing moisture, lipids, and pH levels, all of which are essential for luminous skin, and minimising the negative impact of free radicals and other environmental irritants that contribute to premature ageing. 

The CO2RE transforms your skin

Sometimes, though, regular skin routines are not enough to offset the effects of environmental skin damage, but fear not…our CO2RE laser will come to the rescue:

  • Simultaneously treats both the surface of your skin and underneath, for best results

  • Performs full and fractional resurfacing with excellent results on both face and body

  • Beaming pulses of light energy go deep to remove damaged or pigmented layers of skin, including brown spots and sun damage, visibly reducing the appearance of even deep wrinkles

  • Interaction with the laser’s heat encourages your skin to create collagen enhancing firmness

  • These new, healthy skin cells create younger, smoother-looking skin

  • Non-invasive, hormone-free, practically no downtime

The CO2RE goes much deeper than chemical peels, and produces phenomenal before-and-after evidence:

There’s only one caveat: we limit CO2RE laser treatments to skin types 1 and 2 — meaning those with fair skin — since darker skin tones do not always react to laser therapy in a predictable way. However, lighter-skinned patients are the ones who struggle the most with sun damage and prematurely ageing skin anyway, and the good news is they do really well with it! 

Want to find out if CO2RE resurfacing treatments are right for you? Give us a call, or come in for a consultation