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Janine Mendes-Franco

Carnival is about joy and release, but it’s also about confidence. Introducing the VI Peel — a body peel so effective that any feelings of self-consciousness disappear, right alongside the scarring and skin discolouration that may have you anxious about putting on a costume in the first place! 

Why it works 

Painless and non-invasive, the VI Peel has the power to lift pigment, erase sun damage, alleviate acne and other forms of scarring like stretch marks or surgery incisions, and improve sagging skin, all in one treatment! It’s safe for all skin types, and you should notice visible improvement in about a week:

  • Glycolic acid quickly gets rid of dead cells

  • Lactic acid hydrates and lightens pigment even as it firms skin

  • Trichloroacetic acid deeply penetrates skin to target texture, discolouration, acne scarring and signs of ageing 

  • Mandelic acid suppresses pigment and reduces excess oil production   

Acne, scars and hyperpigmentation begone! 

In cases where body acne and resultant scarring is an issue, the peel cleanses and smooths the skin, exfoliating dead cells, as well as clearing away bacteria, excess oil, and any other debris that may be clogging pores. 

Not only do you achieve even-toned, blemish-free skin, potential breakouts are also prevented. Its super resurfacing action hastens cell renewal, resulting in brighter, more even-toned skin that looks and feels totally refreshed. 

Another awesome effect? This targeted, professional formula assists with stimulating collagen production, which is why your skin will feel healthier, smoother, firmer and more resilient — even down to hard-to-get-rid-of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Because the skin on your body is thicker than the skin on your face, this special peel goes beyond the typical reach of topical peels. 

See the results for yourself.

Rejuvenate, reset, and refresh yourself for Carnival — call us to book your VI (very incredible) body peel before you hit the stage!