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Janine Mendes-Franco

It’s not just the things you put inside your body that matters; what you put on your skin is important as well! A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can contribute to healthy skin during pregnancy, but you also want to choose products that are as natural as possible.

Being pregnant changes your hormone balance, and some women complain that the first place they see it is in their skin, which becomes more sensitive as they undergo hormonal shifts.  Acne, hyperpigmentation and stretch marks are some of the most common and unwanted impacts. When coping with these side effects, bear in mind that you’re nurturing a fragile human, so make “gentle” and “clean” your watchwords.

Educate yourself

Labels are your friend; read them carefully to ensure the safety of your skincare products, as some ingredients can cause potential harm to your developing baby. Check our table, below.

Stick to the scientific

While natural ingredients like organic coconut oil and aloe vera — the latter of which is a high allergenic ingredient — are considered good choices during pregnancy, they can also cause other unwanted side effects, like acne and folliculitis. Your best bet is to stick to moisturisers that are accredited by the National Eczema Association, because your skin tends to become more sensitive during pregnancy.

Don’t forget the sunscreen

This is especially important for Caribbean women, whose lifestyle typically includes time in the sun. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is essential, as your skin is more susceptible to pigmentation changes during pregnancy. We recommend a broad-spectrum, pregnancy-safe sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Staying in the shade and wearing a wide-brimmed hat when you’re at the beach will also minimise sun exposure and therefore your risk of melasma.


Pregnancy can cause dryness, acne, or increased skin sensitivity, but keeping skin properly hydrated by drinking lots of water and using a suitable moisturiser goes a long way. Look for products with natural hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Products containing the ingredient Centella Asiatica are good for stretch marks.


Cleansers are essential to remove dirt, makeup, and excess oils from your skin, but please do not use harsh products that strip the skin. Opt for fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products to prevent irritation, and be cautious when using exfoliants, as your skin is naturally more sensitive during pregnancy.

When in doubt about whether or nor a product is safe, ask us — we’ll be happy to guide you.

Remember that every pregnancy is unique, so talk to us about your skin care concerns. We’ll help you figure out the best approach to help you enjoy this special time to the fullest, while looking and feeling your best!