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Janine Mendes-Franco

A glowing complexion revolves around one fundamental principle: hydration. It stands to reason that the body's largest organ needs good hydration to maintain its health, resilience, and youthful radiance. (That’s just one reason we tell you to drink a lot of water, especially in tropical climates like ours.) Sometimes, however, drinking H20 simply isn’t enough to maintain your skin’s optimal hydration levels, which is where targeted skincare approaches like Oxygeneo facials come in.

Understanding hydration 

When the delicate balance of water content within the skin's layers is disrupted, whether due to environmental factors, ageing, or ineffective skincare routines, it can cause everything from dryness and dullness to fine lines and wrinkles. It can also exacerbate conditions like acne and eczema, which further irritate skin. 

By strengthening its natural barrier function, crucial for defending against external aggressors like pollution and UV rays, proper hydration keeps skin supple and plump. Well-hydrated skin is also better equipped to absorb and retain beneficial ingredients from skincare products, maximising their effectiveness.

Oxygeneo brings out your skin’s underlying potential

Designed to rejuvenate skin from within, Oxygeneo facials combine exfoliation, infusion, and oxygenation for a holistic approach to skincare:

  • Exfoliation: The first step in the process gently removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores, allowing for better product penetration and absorption. Unlike harsh chemical peels or abrasive scrubs, Oxygeneo facials use a unique Capsugen tablet that releases CO2 bubbles upon contact with the skin, resulting in a gentle yet effective exfoliating action.

  • Infusion: Specialised serums enriched with nourishing ingredients are delivered deeply into the skin via Oxygeneo’s unique technology, hydrating and brightening your skin’s appearance. 

  • Oxygenation: The skin is infused with oxygen-rich bubbles to further enhance circulation, promote collagen production, and stimulate cellular regeneration. This oxygen boost leaves skin feeling refreshed, radiant, and visibly rejuvenated.

A cornerstone of skincare 

Incorporating regular hydration practices and Oxygeneo facials into your skincare routine can yield transformative results. By replenishing moisture levels, improving skin texture, and promoting cellular renewal, these treatments will help achieve and maintain a luminous complexion that radiates health and vitality.

Even better, Oxygeneo facials can be customised to address your specific skincare concerns. With consistent care, your skin will not only look beautiful but also feel healthy and resilient — from the inside, out.