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Janine Mendes-Franco

On a day when all eyes are on you, you naturally want to look and feel your best. Enter Botox (yep, you read that right). Here’s why this super-protein should be a non-negotiable on your wedding list! 

You’ll be ready for your close-up

What turned Botox into a household name is its ability to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause fine lines. You’ll look smoother and more youthful, and your wedding photos will pop! 

You’ll still look like you 

When administered by a qualified professional, Botox results look so subtle and natural, no one will even know. You’ll simply look like the best, most radiant version of yourself.

You’ll stay fresh as a rose 

Botox works wonders with curbing excessive perspiration by blocking the nerves that activate sweat glands. So when you’re making your name on the dance floor, you won’t look shiny or feel sweaty. It also helps with conditions like overactive bladder and migraines. Win!  

You’ll get a kick of confidence

When you look your best, you feel your best, allowing you to enjoy your wedding day without worrying about your appearance. This boost can make a big difference in how you carry yourself and interact with your guests.

You’ll keep that glow 

Since the effects of Botox typically last between three and six months, your face will maintain that fresh, dewy look well past your honeymoon — and folks will simply think marriage agrees with you! 

You can fit it into your schedule 

Brides are busy, and Botox requires minimal downtime. The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes with little or no downtime, and minor side effects like redness or swelling are rare and typically go away quickly. Just book your appointment a couple of weeks before the wedding, and you will be glowing and gorgeous!