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Serpentine Dermatology

Syneron Candela’s latest laser, the CO2RE® Intima system, is uniquely engineered to transform how we treat a wide range of dermatological conditions, including plastic surgery and gynaecological needs.

With its full fractional resurfacing, the laser can treat multiple layers of the skin, enhancing firmness and encouraging the production of collagen, which protects the skin’s structure. Apart from women’s health, the versatile CO2RE laser has produced consistently superior results with dermatological treatments, reducing the visibility of pigmentation, stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles.

While carbon dioxide (CO2) technology has long been used in gynaecology, the CO2RE system’s customisable treatment capability now gives physicians greater control. Compared to traditional surgical methods, it is more precise and incisionless. The laser has produced extraordinary results with:

  • Ablation and resurfacing of soft tissue 

  • Scar tissue (including scars from acne and C-sections) 

  • Conization of the cervix as a diagnostic tool used to detect and treat cervical abnormalities, including pre-cancerous conditions

  • Vulvar dystrophies, associated with an increased risk of cancer

  • Genital warts

The system’s single-use handpieces are specially designed to comfortably treat the vaginal canal and external genitalia. Even better, settings are custom-designed for each patient while accurately targeting the treatment area. The result? An efficient laser that makes procedures quick, minimally invasive and non-hormonal, requiring little or no downtime.  

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the CO2RE Intima clearance for over 90 uses across an array of medical applications. In dermatology, it’s great at skin resurfacing and generating new collagen production. In gynaecology, it performs laser incision, excision, ablation and vaporisation of soft tissue. CO2 lasers have proven successful in remodelling tissue and creating healthy, new cells in atophic skin. They also have the ability to simultaneously treat both the uppermost and the deep skin layers, while giving doctors a high level of control – especially important for sensitive areas.

You’ll see results quickly: some CO2RE Intima patients said they saw improvement after the initial treatment, though most procedures require at least three sessions. Give us a call and schedule a consultation – we’ll help you decide whether the CO2RE Intima is the right laser treatment for you!