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Janine Mendes-Franco

As medical and skin care professionals, we have been diligently observing the developing situation with the COVID-19 outbreak. We empathise with the many countries across the world grappling with the spread of this virus as they try to keep their citizens safe.

Thankfully, Trinidad and Tobago has thus far reported no cases of COVID-19, but in an effort to be proactive rather than reactionary, we ask that if you have flu-like symptoms – including coughing, fever, shortness of breath and acute diarrhoea – please refrain from coming in for your appointment. Instead, inform your General Practitioner, who should make arrangements for you to be assessed. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment once you are feeling better. This measure is intended to protect you, our staff, and other patients, some of whom may be more susceptible to respiratory viruses.

To help minimise the spread of germs during this sensitive time, we remind you to:

1.     Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with warm water and soap. Hand washing should last as long as it takes you to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.

2.     Use hand sanitiser if you are unable to wash your hands. 

3.     Avoid touching your face.

4.     Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing.

5.     Avoid close contact with anyone displaying flu-like symptoms.

6.     Ensure that your food is properly cooked before eating. 

Even as global health authorities work towards putting an end to the outbreak of COVID-19, we strongly urge you to follow these guidelines for your own health and safety.