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Janine Mendes-Franco

The fact that women experience things differently from men has been scientifIcally proven, yet many female health issues often aren’t discussed to the extent they should be. Beyond the public health announcements advocating for women to have annual pap smears and be aware of the signs of vaginal cancers, women’s intimate health issues in particular could do with greater awareness.

Many post-partum women, for instance, quietly struggle with incontinence as a side effect of giving birth. Menopausal women may suffer through uncomfortable intercourse due to vaginal dryness. The good news is that such conditions can can now be improved non-invasively thanks to the CO2RE Intima.

This gentle laser treatment rejuvenates women’s intimate areas and gives them back control of their sexual health in a setting that is comfortable, confidential and compassionate.

What conditions does the CO2RE Intima treat?

The CO2RE Intima is a transformative treatment for women experiencing vaginal discomfort due to childbirth, menopause and other age-related issues, including:

·       Dryness

·       Itching and irritation

·       Oversensitivity

·       Pain during intercourse

·       Persistent urinary tract infections

·       Urinary incontinence and

·       Thinning vaginal tissue

Although CO2 technology has been used for decades in the gynaecological treatment of both benign and pre-malignant cells, the CO2RE Intima laser treatment offers greater precision and fewer side effects than traditional surgical approaches.

How does it work and how effective is it?

Just as the CO2RE’s ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser seamlessly resurfaces the skin, the CO2RE Intima’s controlled amounts of CO2 prompt vaginal soft tissue cells to produce more collagen, forming new tissue and enhancing tone and texture and minimising outward signs of childbirth and ageing.

The personalised laser treatment is non-hormonal and non-invasive and typically takes just 10 minutes. Depending on the condition, some women may require follow-ups, though many report significant improvement from the initial treatment.

The results are long lasting and while there is no physical downtime as a result of the treatment, we do recommend that you refrain from sexual intercourse for about a week after an Intima procedure.