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Janine Mendes-Franco

This month, to facilitate a conversation on women’s well being – and as a gesture of thanks to all our loyal patients who continue to place their faith in us in challenging times – Serpentine Dermatology will host a free webinar on some of the most common but debilitating conditions affecting vaginal health.

The webinar will cover everything from post-partum issues to changes related to menopause, as well as things like urinary incontinence due to ageing. We’re keeping numbers small and limiting invitees to our patients in order create an environment in which participants feel comfortable to ask questions, so it’s best to register early.

Date: Wednesday November 25, 2020

Time: 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. AST


·       Dr. Alexandra Ames – specialist general practitioner with a DFSRH diploma in family planning and reproductive healthcare and an interest in women’s health

·       Dr. Sandra Boxill – gynaecologist

·       Dr. Tonya Abraham-Ali – dermatologist


Call us at (868) 622.7340 to reserve your spot today!

*Please note that you will need to complete a contraindications questionnaire to determine whether the treatment is right for you.