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Janine Mendes-Franco

On November 25, Serpentine Dermatology, in conjunction with Ames Medical and gynaecologist Dr. Sandra Boxill, hosted a free webinar about women’s intimate well being. Scores of women attended the session, asking very pertinent questions about some of the challenging conditions that can affect vaginal health.

Dr. Boxill, along with general practitioner Dr. Alexandra Ames and dermatologist Dr. Tonya Abraham-Ali, discussed everything from post-partum and menopause issues, to frustrating conditions like age-related urinary incontinence – including the ways in which Serpentine Dermatology’s CO2RE Intima laser treatments can offer relief.

Here’s a quick recap of the key questions participants asked:

  • How old do you have to be to do theCO2RE Intima treatment?

There’s no real age limit; the treatment is just as effective for post-partum as it us for peri- or post-menopausal women. It can also be used to give the vaginal area a more youthful appearance.

  •  How long after post-partum should one wait to do the treatment and is there any scarring?

Women should wait until at least six weeks after giving birth to have the treatment done. It does not leave any scarring.

  • What about downtime and potential side effects?

There is zero downtime with the CO2RE Intima treatment, and side effects are limited to what some patients describe as slight discomfort to the area, usually on the first day.

  • Are there any long-term effects to consider?

All reported long-term effects have been advantageous. Several studies have been done in which scientists have biopsied the epithelial lining of the vagina ten years after the CO2RE Intima treatment, and the area still shows benefits from CO2 lasering.

If you’d like to book a consultation, or find out more about the treatment’s suitability to your situation, give us a call us at (868) 622-7340.