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OUR CARIBBEAN SKIN SERIES / Pseudofolliculitis Barbae


OUR CARIBBEAN SKIN SERIES / Pseudofolliculitis Barbae

Janine Mendes-Franco

Commonly known as razor bumps, PFB is often mistaken for acne, but it is actually caused by ingrown hairs. People of colour tend to have more of a challenge with the condition because of the shape of their hair follicles – curlier hair has a tendency to twist and grow inwards, where its sharper edges can contribute to inflammation.  

With men, the bumps tend to happen on their faces (from shaving) and with women, under their arms or along their bikini line. PFB can be quite painful, especially if the bumps get irritated or inflamed, but trying to get the hairs out on your own can make things worse, leading to infection and scarring.

In our experience, laser hair removal is super-effective. We use the GentleMax Pro™ laser, which uses a patented cooling technology that releases a quick burst of air after each heat pulse, making the process practically pain-free.

We also offer a Refining Treatment for Men – a facial using a combination of medical-grade Skinceuticals products that focuses on the face and neck area, leaving you feeling clean and smooth.   

People with darker skin are at the greatest risk for hyperpigmentation and scarring, so as tempting as it may be, don’t try to squeeze the bumps or extract the hairs yourself. Much better to come in and see us for a cohesive treatment approach.