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Janine Mendes-Franco

The story of Samson remains one of the earliest touchpoints for the ways in which hair has captured our imaginations. With his long tresses, he was invincible; once Delilah betrays and shears him, however, he loses all his strength. Hair is so intricately interwoven into our identity that it can be difficult when it does things we don’t expect it to do – from falling out to showing up in places we’d rather not have it. Worry not, though…we’ve got you covered!

Hair Loss

In both men and women, hair loss can take many forms. Telogen effluvium is a temporary form of hair shedding prompted by a stressful event, either emotional or physical – and we’re seeing a lot more of it now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because it is hormone-related, many pregnant women also experience this type of hair thinning. The hair usually grows back, though it can take some time. 

Alopecia and alopecia areata, on the other hand, occur when your body’s immune system attacks your hair follicles, resulting in bald patches, In some cases, people lose all their hair; in others, the hair will grow back, but they are unpredictable conditions, often hereditary.

Our platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments, in which we draw and process your own blood and inject it into the scalp, have had success in restimulating hair growth and avoiding prolonged or chronic hair loss by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles. The treatments do need to be spaced out and repeated, with upkeep recommended about every six months.

Of course, there can be other factors behind hair loss – including thyroid disease, anaemia and protein deficiencies – so it’s important to come in and see one of our dermatologists in order to be properly diagnosed.

That said, some hair shedding is perfectly normal – but if you start to notice that your hair feels or looks thinner, that there are bare areas, receding hairlines or wider parts, or that more hair seems to be coming off on your brush than usual, give us a call. 

Unwanted hair

Because hair is actually part of the skin’s structure, it can appear anywhere. On men, back hair is fairly uncommon; as women go through hormonal shifts, one side effect can be hair growth in unexpected areas.

Our laser hair removal treatments are a great long-term solution. Shaving can actually make unwanted hair grow back thicker, especially in sensitive areas like the ears, and can create conditions for painful ingrown hairs to thrive. Unlike waxing, it’s also relatively painless, doesn’t irritate skin the way most depilatory creams can, and over time, can minimise regrowth, often stopping it altogether.


With this fairly common condition, women develop hair in a male pattern. It’s typically caused by either hormonal changes brought on by menopause, or the presence of polycystic ovarian syndrome, so once we see women – especially younger women – with unwanted hair that presents in ways you’d normally see on men, we send them for a pelvic ultrasound to determine whether PCOS is a contributing factor. Incidentally, acne also can be an indication of PCOS.

The good news is that hirsutism is treatment-responsive, but if PCOS is the cause, it’s important to to treat it as it can affect fertility, as well as increase the risk of other non-communicable diseases like diabetes. Hyperpigmentation or skin tags, especially under the arms and around the neck, can also be telltale signs of PCOS.

If you have concerns about any hair-related issues, schedule a consultation with us.