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Janine Mendes-Franco

True love always comes down to the fundamentals, so here’s a primer on the most important skin care basics—quick and easy as 1-2-3—that will make you love the skin you’re in.

The heart of the matter: Cleansers

Your first act of skin love is getting rid of all the dirt, grime, environmental toxins and other daily surface build-up by cleansing. Notice we said cleansing (nourishing and gentle) and not cleaning (often depleting and harsh). 

The right products in your daily routine make a huge difference. Give your skin the love it needs by making sure you choose hydrating products that eliminate debris while replenishing moisture, rather than ones full of chemicals that strip it dry. 

The soul of it all: Moisturisers

Proper moisturising is like a silver bullet for radiant skin, replenishing its natural moisture and keeping its biosphere in balance. 

Moisturisers are critical in how your skin appears, feels and behaves—and we’ve got an amazing range that considers every skin type and need. From lightweight hydration to combos that refill lipids and renew skin cells, our moisturisers give your skin the love it needs to thrive. 

The mind that connects them: Sunscreen   

Having a lasting love affair with your skin can’t be all heart and soul; you’ve also got to be smart about it. Many people consider sunscreen application an unnecessary chore unless they’re headed to the beach, but nothing could be further from the truth.

We live 10 degrees north of the equator, so if you love your skin, you’ve got to protect it. Sun damage is linked from everything to premature ageing to skin cancers, so get into the sunscreen habit  by checking out our amazing SkinCeuticals range—and committing to applying sunscreen every day as part of your skin’s love routine, whether you’re primarily indoors or out.  

Need our input in your skin care regimen? Just make an appointment or give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.