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Janine Mendes-Franco

We all know that face masks help prevent the spread of coronavirus, but they can also cause skin to react adversely. Here’s how to continue protecting yourself   (and others) while also preventing skin irritation and the dreaded maskne.   

Use the right products 

Think gentle and fragrance-free cleansers, gels and moisturisers that do not upset your skin’s pH balance and provide a proper protective barrier between your skin and your mask. Check out our range of SkinCeuticals cleansers, moisturisers and sunscreens, all of which do a stellar job. Be sure to cleanse and moisturise your face before and after wearing a mask. Hand-washing your mask after each use is also a good habit to foster. 

Take a makeup break

Most people aren’t seeing you with your mask off anyway, so give your skin more of a chance to breathe by opting out of makeup when you can—especially since most foundations rub off on the mask and mix with sweat, which is not ideal. If you must wear makeup, choose light, non-comedogenic formulas like SkinCeuticals Dermablend, which offer good coverage without clogging pores. 

Don’t overdo 

Just as too much hand sanitisation can cause cases of eczema, too much cleansing (more than twice a day), can strip your skin of the oils it needs to maintain its healthy biosphere. 

Choose the right material 

All masks are not created equal, so select those that give you and your skin the best chance of staying healthy. Avoid synthetic fabrics; instead, opt for masks made with breathable cotton—just make sure you’ve got at least two layers of protection. N95 and KN95 are the masks being recommended for optimum protection against the Omicron variant, so you can always double-mask, choosing to wear the cotton mask closer to your skin. 

Got more questions? We’ve got answers—just give us a call!