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Janine Mendes-Franco

As we welcome 2022, here’s a revolutionary idea—let’s ditch the grand resolutions and instead, resolve to commit to several small but important habits that will make your skin glow throughout the year.

H2O’s the way to go 

In the same way that a plant withers and wrinkles up when it’s deprived of water, so does your skin. Dehydration can take a tremendous toll on our organs, of which the skin is the largest—and no matter how many hydrating topical products you use, it’ll take a lot longer for you to see results if you’re not drinking water, which works much faster and more holistically, hydrating your entire system from the inside. So get yourself a water bottle or glass that you enjoy drinking out of and sip your way to eight ounces, eight times a day—your skin will thank you for it! 

The other eight that cannot wait 

You guessed it—sleep! Eight hours of quality rest are a critical component of good health, including radiant skin, as it aids cell repair, dispels toxins from the body and reduces inflammation. This is especially critical: inflammation causes collagen and hyaluronic acid—which are responsible for our skin looking firm and rosy—to break down, causing skin to look sallow and ageing us prematurely.   

Cleanse—it’s your friend

It’s like brushing your teeth: you’ve got to do it at least twice a day, morning and evening, no exceptions. Why? To get rid of environmental pollutants, dirt and dead skin cells that compromise the look, feel and health of our skin. We’ve got a range of trusted and effective SkinCeuticals cleansers to choose from, that are great for all skin types. Cleaning is a skincare routine staple that yields amazing benefits, but you also need to…

Mix it up!  

New years are always full of possibilities and fresh opportunities, so why shouldn’t this extend to skin care? Shake up your skin care regimen by introducing something novel to your regular routine. Depending on the results you want, these can include anything from exfoliating scrubs to antioxidants, serums to sheer sunscreens. Just one little tweak can often make all the difference! 

Need help designing your ideal skin care regimen for the coming year? Just make an appointment with us.