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Janine Mendes-Franco

If you’ve ever had an injectable dermal filler, you’ll probably be familiar with hyaluronic acid (H.A. for short). It’s one of the main ingredients in the cushiony, gel-like substance we inject beneath the surface of the skin to help even out deep lines and soften creases as you age. In its injectable form, it prolongs the effects of the filler — but its topical form has amazing benefits as well. Just look at SkinCeuticals’ H.A. Intensifier, a serum that strengthens skin’s natural hyaluronic acid levels and keeps it well hydrated, firm and plump. Many of our patients use it after a dermal filler treatment, but it can be part of any skin care regimen.

Hydration is skin’s golden ticket: get the moisture balance right and you will see reduced signs of ageing, not to mention your skin will be more resilient and heal itself faster, often with less scarring. Because of its amazing ability to retain moisture, hyaluronic acid is a popular ingredient for skin care products — but have you ever wondered how it interacts with all the other stuff that’s in there? Does it peacefully coexist with gentler ingredients, or overpower them? Let’s go through a simple skin care routine to find out…

1. Cleansers

Many of our SkinCeuticals cleansers, gels and exfoliating scrubs have ingredients that interact in different ways with hyaluronic acid. 

2. Serums

Our range of SkinCeuticals serums have ingredients that naturally interact with H.A. Let’s see how they do…

3. Moisturisers

The SkinCeuticals Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2 is probably one of the best creams on the market, with very effective anti-ageing effects, while its Metacell Renewal  is also excellent at minimising the early effects of ageing. There’s also a game-changing nighttime moisturiser for skin that tends to be on the dry side, Renew Overnight Dry, that gently exfoliates while hydrating. Here’s how some of their ingredients react in combination with H.A.

So the results are in! H.A. is flexible enough to complement most other ingredients, with its superpower hydrating effects always at the forefront, and making your skin brighter, firmer and more beautiful.