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Janine Mendes-Franco

Many skin care products promise younger-looking skin, but the fact is that while some may help you age better, there’s no product that can stop time. Stem cells, though, have proven invaluable in combating diseased cells and replacing them with healthy ones — could they have a similar effect on skin rejuvenation? AnteAGE, our newest skin care brand, asked that very question, and developed a line of both professional-grade treatments and retail products that rely on adult human stem cells. The results have gone above and beyond expectations!

How it works

When used topically, messenchymal (bone marrow) stem cells, along with proteins called cytokines, mimic the effect of having more stem cells. The more of these cells there are, the higher their ability to repair and regenerate, combating the effects of injury, inflammation and disease. These cells are the primary active ingredient in AnteAGE products, but we’ll focus on the Top 3 products you’ll want to have in your skincare arsenal. (Naturally, when used in combination with professional-grade treatments, the effects are boosted.) 

1. Serum

This comes in both medical-grade and retail formulations. Suitable for all skin types, this fast-absorbing formula made with physiologically balanced Stem Cytokines™, amino acids and protective antioxidants, restores your skin’s ability to heal itself at the cellular level. Anti-inflammatory, it soothes and calms skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while shielding skin from adverse environmental toxins.  

2. Accelerator

Moisturising and revitalising, the AnteAGE Accelerator maximises the beneficial effects of the Serum. Stem Cytokines™, combined with vitamins and antioxidants, deeply nourish the skin, enhancing its inherent ability to heal itself from the inside out. This product goes a long way to strengthening the skin barrier and keeping the microbiome in perfect balance. It also reduces the appearance of large pores by properly hydrating skin, and is a champion at defending the skin against free radicals.  

3. Eye

It makes sense, doesn’t it? The sensitive skin around the eye area is where most people begin to notice signs of ageing. Again powered by AnteAGE’s Stem Cytokines™, this luxurious formula minimises the appearance of lines, wrinkles, puffiness, and even that tough-to-combat under-eye darkness. Filled with powerful antioxidants designed to shield this delicate area from free radicals, it simultaneously firms and tightens skin. This wonder product also combats the undesirable effect of blue light on skin (think hyperpigmentation) and even boasts synthetic snake venom for a botox-like lifting effect.   

This amazingly revitalising routine — which also contains super-ingredients like niacinamide, smart vitamin C, and retinol alternatives — can be used on their own or in combination with other skincare essentials. 

Contact us to find out more about this amazing skincare line and the products and treatments we offer. Welcome to the future of skincare!