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Janine Mendes-Franco

On February 22, SkinCeuticals launched one of its brightest ideas ever — the Phyto A+ Brightening Treatment

This lightweight gel is a phenomenal moisturiser with three key ingredients:

  • Alpha arbutin, which helps treat hyperpigmentation and those annoying age spots

  • Azelaic acid, which reduces inflammation

  • SkinCeutical’s soothing Phyto botanical blend, which gently counteracts outward signs of ageing

Put them all together, and Phyto A+ offers the added benefit of rescuing skin from a life of dullness, evening out skin tone, reducing irritation and infusing skin with much-needed moisture from its hydrating acids.

Perfect for daily use, Phyto A+ is suitable for all skin tones and excellent for anyone with sensitive, dry or acne-prone skin, as it’s both oil and fragrance-free. Clinical studies showed a 19% improvement in the appearance of rough skin, a 20% improvement in skin’s overall brightness, and an astounding 28% in skin clarity, meaning fewer clogged pores and a more luminous look and feel. 

One of the reasons Phyto A+ is such a breakthrough product is that bright, clear, even looking skin has traditionally been achieved with ingredients like acids and retinoids. Such treatments, though effective, tend to be harsher and can throw skin’s delicate pH balance out of whack. Skin might be red and irritated for a few days, some patients may experience breakouts or even discolouration, particularly in skin of colour. By pairing it with a daily use moisturiser that works gently on skin, Phyto A+ can achieve similarly visible results, but without the side effects.

Want to find out more? Just give us a call — and check out our March specials, which give you a chance to WIN the Phyto A+ Brightening Treatment!