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Janine Mendes-Franco

Sometimes, battling acne can feel like a merry-go-round (except way less fun). You get a pimple, and your instinct is to deny it any kind of hydration until it dries up and disappears. Why feed the beast, right? 

Well, yes…and no. The thing is, if your skin is too dry, its sebaceous glands often feel the need to produce oil more oil than usual in order to compensate for the moisture it needs. Cue the merry-go-round music, because — trust us — your breakout will likely recur. 

Too much oil = skin clogging up. Add that to the environmental pollutants, sweat and dead skin cells that also contribute to clogged pores, and you begin to see how crucial balance is. 

As Goldilocks might tell you, your skin needs to be just right (meaning not too dry and not too hydrated) in order to combat breakouts. The right moisturiser can make all the difference. This means gentle and soothing, because let’s face it: the problem with acne is that it’s angry and irritated. 

You need a moisturiser to calm the inflammation, and we’ve got some great choices, including SkinCeutical’s newest star, the Phyto A+ Brightening Treatment. Once a reliable hydration barrier is in place, we can then treat whatever kind of acne you have, whether through a combination of proper diet, good products and a reliable skin care regimen, over the counter topical creams, laser treatments, or stronger and more targeted prescriptions.