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Janine Mendes-Franco

Puns aside, topical Vitamin C is Critical (yep, with a capital C) for optimum skin health. That’s because it does for skin all the things that regular Vitamin C does for your body (reducing inflammation, boosting resilience and increasing overall well being) — plus a whole lot more, since ingested Vitamin C generally does not  generally reach the topmost layer of skin.   

Adding this amazing antioxidant to your regular skincare routine can therefore work wonders: 

  • Brightens skin’s appearance, giving it a youthful glow

  • Fortifies skin against sun damage and environmental pollutants

  • Evens out skin tone

  • Reduces hyperpigmentation

  • Minimises the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of premature ageing

  • Boosts collagen production and repairs damaged skin

From hydrating skin to improving the look of dark underage circles, these are the four cardinal points of SkinCeuticals’ Vitamin C serums… 

CE Ferulic

This daytime-use Vitamin C serum offers unparalleled environmental protection, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, boosting skin’s firmness, and brightening your complexion. A superhero in the battle against free radicals (think sun damage and environmental pollutants), it will help keep your skin strong and resilient. 

Phloretin CF

Another daytime antioxidant serum that delivers superior environmental protection for your skin, it’s also great at minimising the appearance of wrinkles and instances of skin discolouration, such as hyperpigmentation and age spots. 


This oil-free serum is a lifesaver for acne-prone, oily or combination skin, improving clarity and refining texture. It also shields against those pesky free radicals. 

Serum 10

A wonderful choice for sensitive skin, it offers similar benefits of environmental defence and protection against premature ageing. It also works wonderfully well on mature skin, which is often thinner and more delicate. 

Want to find out more or schedule a consultation? Just give us a call — and check out our April specials, where you can get 15% off our Picoway full face pigment treatment with the purchase of any two SkinCeuticals antioxidant products.