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Janine Mendes-Franco

You know how they say the devil is in the details? Sometimes, the littlest things are the ones that make skin appear dull: fine lines, discolouration, brown spots. But fear not! Like your skin’s guardian angel, retinol can swoop in and put things right. This Vitamin A derivative works hard to keep skin healthy by making DNA repair more robust and focusing on rejuvenating skin’s topmost layer, making it look and feel younger. 

If you want to be ahead to the ageing curve, you can start using retinol as early as your 20s and if you think you’re late to the party, rest assured that there are still discernible benefits to be derived — but you’ve got to do it right! 

While there are over the counter configurations, retinol is a very powerful serum and should ideally be used under the supervision of your dermatologist.

Retinol should not be applied in areas where skin tens to be thinner, like around the eyes and mouth.

For example, retinol doesn’t belong anywhere near sensitive areas where skin tens to be thinner, like around the eyes and mouth. It’s best to pair it with a good moisturiser and sunscreen, as retinol can make your skin more sun-sensitive. You also need a concentration that’s right for your skin, so we definitely recommend having a consultation with us in order to be safely guided. Unless used properly and in combination with the right supporting products, retinol can actually be the cause of hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin tones. 

That said, it’s also quite effective and therefore worth looking into if you want to keep your skin healthy for the long haul. Our SkinCeuticals retinol range comes in three different strengths and is suitable for most types of skin, visibly reversing some of the most common signs of ageing and making skin appear smooth, even, and supple.  

Is retinol right for you? Book a consultation with us and let’s find out!