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Janine Mendes-Franco

Every time you think you’ve got this skincare thing down, your skin has other ideas—can you relate? Just like you, your skin goes through stages, from youthfulness to adolescence, adulthood to ageing. Two of the most common conditions we see tend to happen at two very different stages of life: puberty and menopause. 

Keratosis pilaris 

Commonly called chicken skin, most people have probably experienced this condition at some point, though it first tends to show up during adolescence. If you notice small, rough bumps on the surface of your skin — almost as if your pores are enlarged and spread over a certain area — you could well be dealing with keratosis pilaris. Eczema sufferers are also prone to developing the condition, which usually appears on the arms, legs and even buttocks, sometimes accompanied by itchiness and skin discolouration.

Caused by a build-up of keratin around hair follicles in the skin, the condition manifests a lot in hotter climates like ours, but mild cases of chicken skin can generally be dealt with via over-the-counter remedies. We like the CeraVe line; their SA Lotion for Rough & Bumpy Skin often does the trick. The brand’s Moisturizing Cream for Psoriasis Treatment can also be quite effective, as it is a lipid-rich product and the key to treating the condition is moisture. Anything harsh or full of fragrance can make the situation worse; proper hydration is essential.  

Menopausal skin 

As if this “change of life” doesn’t come with enough challenges — hot flashes, vaginal dryness, migraines, insomnia — it also takes a toll on your skin. But any woman who has made it as far as menopause isn’t going to go down without a fight! The biggest enemy? Fine lines and wrinkles, thanks to the body’s loss of collagen.

There are things you can do, though, starting with really luxurious moisturisers like SkinCeuticals Triple Lipid, which is a superhero when it comes to refilling cellular lipids and nourishing ageing skin, and Metacell Renewal, which helps improve the outward signs of ageing. The main thing is, you’ve got to keep your skin well hydrated. Retinols also go a long way in strengthening skin’s elasticity.

To find out more about how to deal with any issue your skin surprises you with, give us a call or pop in and visit