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Janine Mendes-Franco

If you don’t have the right information, dealing with unwanted hair in the bikini area can be confusing — from what type of treatment is best, to how much hair to get rid of. 

We recommend laser hair removal for the pubic area because it is the most long-term solution. A medical procedure that targets the laser’s intense beams of light towards unwanted hair follicles, it successfully reduces hair growth over an extended period of time.

So what’s the difference between Bikinis and Brazilians and how do you know which is right for you? Read on…


The bikini section is defined as the area that lies outside your panty line. Bikini line laser hair removal will treat up to three inches beyond this line and an inch inside it, so that no hair is visible when you’re rocking that bikini at the beach. If you so desire, this treatment can also ensure that some key areas, like the sides of the labia, are hair-free.  


Think of the Brazilian as the Bikini on steroids. It covers everything the bikini line laser hair removal treatment does, except that it targets hair on the labia and perianal areas as well. Some people choose to remove all hair from the area and go completely clean, while others prefer a “landing strip” — a thin line of hair that is kept low and covers the central vaginal area. 

Whichever you prefer, we can customise your treatment to your liking, so don’t be afraid to ask questions, or call us to book your appointment.