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Janine Mendes-Franco

Whether you just got engaged or are actively prepping for the big day, there are a few super skin treatments that will help bring out that gorgeous glow…


If you’re not currently getting regular facials, you should start at least six months before the event. Facials are great for cleaning and hydrating your skin, and our Oxygeneo facials achieve noticeable results, giving you the exfoliation benefits of microdermabrasion along with oxygenation effects that deeply rejuvenate and heal skin from the inside, out. 

Oxygeneo’s combination of exfoliation, infusion and oxygenation is suitable for all skin types, regardless of pigmentation or sensitivity. Clients tell us that it leaves their skin feeling more youthful looking, even-toned and invigorated. 

Laser hair removal 

The perfect treatment if you want to be well groomed for the big day (and night)! We can do everything from the upper lip and under arm area to the legs and bikini line. We also do Brazilians. (If you’re not sure of the difference between regular bikini line hair removal and Brazilians, click here.) 


It’s important to remember that Botox has both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits. It can lessen the appearance of frown lines, crow’s feet and jowls, as well as fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and neck. But Botox has also proven helpful in reducing the intensity and frequency of migraines, improving squinting, easing severe neck pain and reducing excessive sweating.

If you’d like to try it for either appearance-based or therapeutic reasons, just give us a call and we’ll recommend the treatment that best suits your needs. 

Laser treatments 

Sometimes, wedding prep may include dealing with more medical-based skin issues, such as mole, skin tag or keloid removal. Our CO2RE laser (which is also great at improving the appearance of ageing) has also has tremendous results with everything from acne and surgical scars to under-eye bags and dark circles.  

For women specifically, there’s also the CO2RE Intima laser, which treats and rejuvenates their intimate areas if they are experiencing issues like vaginal dryness, itching and irritation, oversensitivity, pain during intercourse or persistent urinary tract infections. 

For challenges like hyperpigmentation, our Picoway laser treatments are also extremely effective. 

Skincare rituals

Before you commit to your significant other, commit to a consistent skincare routine in order to keep skin clean and balanced for that wedding day wow! This typically involves a hydrating cleanser/moisturiser combo that works for your particular skin type. If you feel you’re not getting the best out of your current routine, we’re always happy to recommend products and treatments that would benefit your skin. 

Remember, skin health is fluid and often dependent on your overall well being. Sometimes you need to adjust your routine to what’s happening in your life at the time, so just give us a call or set up a consultation