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Janine Mendes-Franco

You know you should be wearing sunscreen every day, but are you? If not, could it be you haven’t yet found the right one? We love the sun, we just don’t love its ill effects, which include everything from hyperpigmentation and premature ageing to skin cancer. We hope our Sunscreens 101 breakdown will answer your questions and make your choices clearer!  

Mineral or chemical? 

Both will protect you from the harmful effects of the sun, but there are also other things to consider…

These two types of sunscreen are differentiated by their ingredients. Mineral sunscreens contain well…minerals…that reflect harmful UV rays, while chemical sunscreens have synthetic elements that protect skin by absorbing UV rays. This translates into slightly varying feels and benefits…

In the end, it doesn’t really matter which sunscreen approach works best for you, as long as you wear it consistently. You can check out some of our superb sunscreens here.