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Janine Mendes-Franco

The Number One teen complaint we see is acne — and that’s to be expected with such major hormonal changes — but there are so many products targeted at teens that things can get confusing. The best skin care routine, however, is the one you follow, so we like to keep it simple…

Step 1. Cleanse 

Between hormones, school-related stress, sweat, environmental toxins, and the occasional junk food binge, teen skin can get dirty, oily and clogged. Cleaning it is the logical solution, but steer clear of harsh, exfoliating scrubs. Instead, make sure your cleanser of choice is gentle — which means chemical and fragrance-free. SkinCeuticals Gentle Cleanser is a trusted product with which to start off the teen skin care routine. If your skin tends to be on the oily side, a product like CeraVe Acne Foaming Cream Cleanser, which contains 4% benzoyl peroxide, can also help. 

Step 2. Target

If breakouts are active, target them with spot treatments. You can try products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinoids, but because these ingredients can be harsh on skin, you only need to apply a tiny amount on the affected area. La Roche-Posay Effaclar Adapalene Gel is a good option for an over-the-counter, topical retinoid. 

Step 3. Moisturise 

Because acne-zapping ingredients can strip and dry out skin, moisturising is a fundamental part of any teen skin care routine. Again, we recommend gentle options, like the lightweight SkinCeuticals Daily Moisturiser or CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion. Both contain hydrating ceramides, which improve skin barrier function.   

Step 4. Protect

A teen skin care routine without sunscreen is like a car without seat belts. Creating good skin protection habits from an early age pays off down the line in the form of fewer wrinkles, reduced signs of hyperpigmentation and premature ageing, and less occurrence of skin cancers. Teens should, however, opt for mineral sunscreens that do not clog pores the way chemical SPFs can. 

Step 5. Consult 

While solid skin care routines can make a huge difference to teen skin health, acne can be complex to treat, particularly more chronic types like cystic acne. If there is not enough of an improvement within two months, it’s worth coming in to see us to custom-design an alternative approach, which can include a range of options, from prescription medication to chemical peels or laser treatment

Step 6. At-home help 

While acne can often feel beyond your control, there are things you can do to give your teen skin care routine the best chance of success: 

  • Stick to a healthy, balanced diet, avoiding oily, sugary foods

  • Drink enough water

  • Get enough sleep (8-10 hours a night)

  • Counteract the effects of stress through outlets like exercise, enjoyable hobbies, spirituality and meditation, connecting with nature and with friends, and carving out some you time!

If you need help getting your acne under control, give us a call and we’ll help determine an approach that works for you.