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Janine Mendes-Franco

As if menopause doesn’t come with enough unwelcome changes — from hot flashes to vaginal dryness — many women also find themselves having to deal with the visibly embarrassing effects of hyperhidrosis. Researchers suspect that hormonal fluctuations during menopause may cause the condition to take hold, as many women complain that hot flashes bring on their hyperhidrosis. 

So what to do when you feel trapped between the two extremes of hot flashes and excessive sweating? We’ve got you covered…

1. Go for the Botox

Thanks to its overuse as a cosmetic treatment, Botox has garnered a bit of a negative reputation, but it is actually a useful, safe, and effective medical tool. It is also affordable and generally requires little to no downtime — and when it comes to hyperhidrosis, it can be a lifesaver. 

Prior to Botox, patients could only get long-term relief via a type of surgery called a sympathectomy, in which the nerves that control sweating are removed — quite a drastic measure. Simply injecting Botox into the areas that produce most hyperhidrosis symptoms can offer as much as a 90% reduction in sweating, simply by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands. That’s life changing! 

In terms of what to expect, we do the treatments in our office, with no patient downtime. After taking your medical history, finding out about any medication you are on, and determining whether you are a good candidate for the procedure, we inject the areas you’re having the most difficulty with when it comes to excessive sweating — generally, the armpits, palms, soles of the feet, and in some cases, the forehead, scalp or groin. The process only takes a few minutes and you can use a numbing agent on the area prior to receiving the injection, though most people find it painless or report only mild discomfort. Some patients do experience slight swelling or redness at the injection site, but this is temporary and usually dissipates quickly. 

2. Get to the CO2RE

Our CO2RE laser comes with an amazing extension — the CO2RE Intima — which is single-handedly transforming women’s vaginal wellness, improving debilitating conditions like incontinence, dryness, postpartum issues and changes related to menopause. 

\With its full fractional resurfacing, this super-laser treats multiple skin layers, enhancing firmness and encouraging the production of collagen in simple, 10-minute treatments. While carbon dioxide (CO2) technology has long been used in gynaecology, the CO2RE is customisable and minimally invasive, working wonders with vaginal dryness, soft and scar tissue resurfacing, and being used diagnostically for certain pre-cancerous cervical abnormalities. 

There is also little to no downtime involved in these treatments, which means menopausal women no longer have to suffer through painful or uncomfortable intercourse as a result of vaginal dryness. This gentle laser treatment rejuvenates women’s intimate areas and restores control of their sexual health. The peace of mind that comes from no longer having to deal with issues such as itching, irritation and oversensitivity, incontinence, and increased instances of urinary tract infections, is nothing short of liberating.

To find out more if either of these treatments can improve your quality of life post-menopause, give us a call or come in for a consultation.