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Janine Mendes-Franco

We recently introduced you to AnteAGE’s products, which are based on the cornerstones of repair, restoration and rebuilding — all geared towards helping your skin regenerate itself. As it turns out, this approach also works when it comes to hair. 

The brand has developed a line rooted in stem cells, which have had proven results in replacing diseased cells with healthy ones, and the results around hair loss have been encouraging. There is compelling evidence that shows stem cell-derived biosignals stimulate cell regeneration, even in topical applications.

AnteAGE’s Hair Growth Factor Solution is a non-invasive way of invigorating hair. Using specialised techniques that influence how bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell cultures produce growth, the solution also uses 12 bio-identical growth factors and cytokines to get hair follicles working again. It’s a treatment that can also be used in conjunction with other traditional hair treatments like PRP.

Before and after

 The AnteAGE Home Hair System promotes natural, healthy hair growth, without any surgery or debilitating side effects. The system contains a trademarked hair serum that helps reawaken stem cells within the hair follicles and nudge them into an active growth pattern. Used alongside a handheld dermal needling device and thickening brush that enhance the product’s penetration, this do-it-yourself system can be used as many as five times each week, or in between professional treatments.

Impressed? Give us a call  to see if this treatment might be right for you.