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Janine Mendes-Franco

This isn’t really news — especially in Trinidad and Tobago, which is wonderfully diverse — but whether we’re talking pigmentation or sensitivity, appearance or resilience, your skin is as original as your fingerprint. 

People with fairer skin tend to heal better from scars than those with more melanin, while darker skin tones show signs of ageing much more slowly. People with Mediterranean origins may have less of a chance of contracting skin cancer, while those of Asian ethnicity may experience pigmentation challenges as they age. We’re all different, and our skin treatments and products should definitely take that into consideration. 

You can take our fun quiz to figure out which of the five skin types you might be, but regardless of where you fall, there are habits you can cultivate that help keep skin healthy and glowing — whether your skin is in perfect balance or struggling with dullness, sensitivity or ageing. 


You are what you eat, keep meals balanced and avoid processed and genetically modified foods. Skin-smart foods include nuts, grains and healthy oils (great sources of polyunsaturated fat that promotes skin health without causing oiliness), beans, citrus, carrots, squash, and pumpkin, all sources of key vitamins. Don’t forget to drink sufficient water, or your skin will begin to look dry, tight and dull.  


Just like the rest of your body, your skin feels healthier and looks rosier when you exercise. Moving gets your blood circulating, and helps your lymph nodes drain the system of toxins and waste. It also releases endorphins, which promote general well being. 

Skin care routine 

Whether you want to stick with your tried and true technique or switch things up from time to time, you’ve got to care for your skin every single day. It’s like taking a shower or brushing your teeth — kind of non-negotiable if you want your body’s biggest organ to stay in the pink of health.