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Janine Mendes-Franco

Nothing quite gives away your age like the skin around your neck — and honestly, it’s never too early to start caring for it. 


There are a lot of factors that contribute to the skin in this area becoming less supple, including:

  • The fact that the skin is this area is thinner and more susceptible to the effects of premature ageing

  • The lack of a proper skin care routine 

  • Sun exposure

  • Loss of skin’s firmness and volume as you age 

  • The screen scourge (repeated motions of lowering your neck to look at mobile devices) 


The secret? 


Your décolletage will always tend to be drier than the rest of your face because it has fewer sebaceous glands, and therefore less oils to keep the area hydrated and tight.  

SkinCeuticals Tripeptide-R Neck Repair can come to the rescue! 

As a corrective, retinol-based cream, it’s been speciality designed for the neck area to counteract visible signs of ageing — regardless of whether you have dry, normal, oily, or combination skin, as the product is free of alcohol, parabens, dyes, and fragrances. It also works wonders with discolouration and keeps skin looking fresh and dewy. 

Use daily and you will see the results sooner than your think. It’s also the perfect supporting routine for professional cosmetic treatments like contouring and skin tightening.  


  • You will quickly notice a visible reduction in the appearance of lines, wrinkles, folds, flabbiness and uneven skin tone 

  • Patients report an average of 16% improvement in skin firmness

  • Because Tripeptide-R Neck Repair targets both early and advanced signs of neck ageing, it’s a fantastic non-invasive alternative to surgery or neck treatments

This cream is also a great partner to SkinCeuticals’ Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2 if you want to shorten your adjustment period (retinoids often take some getting used to) and achieve full face and neck correction. 

Another great solution? Our AnteAGE Accelerator serum, which has a host of nourishing vitamins and antioxidants, helps the neck area heal itself by strengthening the skin barrier. It’s a super-hydrator, and excellent at protecting skin against the harmful effects of free radicals, which cause premature ageing.  

So while sticking your neck out and taking risks is definitely part of life, it’s reassuring to know that these super-effective neck creams are a sure bet. (We’ve got some in stock; call us to order.)