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Janine Mendes-Franco

We’re shining a light on skin issues — literally. Our new Celluma LED light therapy machine improves skin health at a cellular level to do amazing things both quickly and easily: 

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of ageing

  • Relieves arthritic symptoms and muscle discomfort, as well as pain from skin conditions like eczema

  • Eliminates acne by treating existing blemishes and minimising future breakouts

  • Improves the appearance of scars

  • Deals with sun damage and hyperpigmentation   

This machine, especially when used in conjunction with some of our other skin care treatments and products, can practically turn back the clock! It’s excellent at treating acne-related skin conditions and other forms of scarring, as well as minimising the visible effects of ageing. 

Light has long been put to effective use in dermatology. A different modality of light — narrow-band UVB — has proven very efficient in treating medical conditions like psoriasis, vitiligo, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) — a rare form of cancer that makes your body's immune system attack the skin. Treatments are shorter and more targeted, getting to the heart of whichever skin condition we’re treating. In cases of skin cancer, light therapy usually results in longer periods of remission. 

Depending on your particular challenge, we may recommend a series of either LED or narrow-band UVB light treatments, but you can rest assured that your skin’s cellular activity will be recharged, and you will definitely see the benefits. 

So follow the light — give us a call or come in for a consultation, and experience the transformative effects for yourself!