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Janine Mendes-Franco

Light therapy has revolutionised skin care. The Celluma RESTORE targets ageing skin and general pain like many other lasers — but its superpower is hair restoration. Safe and non-invasive, it delivers light energy to promote hair regrowth and is effective for a wide range of hair loss conditions.

Who gets hair loss and why?

Hair thinning and loss are more common than you’d think, and can be caused by everything from genetics to stress. Sometimes, inadequate nutrition, hormonal changes, certain medications, or even over-styling can bring on the condition. It affects both men and women, more frequently as they age.

How does hair grow back?

When hair drops, you may think it disappears — but the follicle, which is what keeps the hair attached to the skin, remains. Each of these follicles has a bulb at its base, where hair growth begins. The hair shaft, meanwhile, is made up of the keratin protein. When these areas are working together, hair growth happens. Red light therapy is a good stand-alone option to maximise hair growth; it can also complement existing hair treatments like prescription drugs, PRP, stem cells and transplants.

What Celluma RESTORE does

This LED laser is excellent at reversing hair loss (and preventing further fallout), as well as combating both male and female pattern baldness. It works best for people whose skin types fall between I-IV on the Fitzpatrick scale. It is not recommended for skin types V-VI, those who suffer from androgenetic alopecia, or people who are already experiencing advanced hair loss.

Each treatment takes about half an hour, and requires a 16-week commitment. The laser precisely targets affected areas by stimulating and revitalising dormant hair follicles, increasing blood circulation, and encouraging natural regrowth.

As light therapy technology continues to advance, we have no doubt lasers will continue to lead the way in the fight against hair loss, offering hope and renewed confidence to those afflicted with the condition.