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Janine Mendes-Franco

We get why the global skincare industry has been experiencing an unprecedented rise in the popularity of anti-ageing products — everyone wants to drink from the fountain of youth! Despite these products having been formulated to address the signs of ageing in adults, a concerning trend has emerged, with teenagers using them in droves and engaging in “preventive” regimens to avoid premature ageing. Here’s the truth: they’re doing themselves more harm than good. 

Misaligned skincare needs

Teenage skin differs significantly from adult skin — duh! Adolescents are in a major developmental stage of their lives, and typically have oilier skin thanks to hormonal changes. This can lead to acne and other skin challenges. 

Anti-ageing products, on the other hand, are intended for mature skin, which tends to be drier and less resilient. It should go without saying that using products designed for older skin can — and does! — disrupt the natural balance of teen skin, potentially exacerbating common adolescent skin problems like acne and oiliness.

Potential for skin damage

Anti-ageing products typically contain potent ingredients like retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs). While these ingredients can be beneficial for adult skin, they are too harsh for younger skin. Excessive use often causes irritation, redness, peeling, and most importantly, potential permanent chemical scarring and long-term damage to the skin barrier. Delicate teen skin simply can’t handle it. 

Hormonal disruption

Just as worrisome is that some anti-ageing products contain ingredients that can interfere with the hormonal balance of teenagers. Parabens, phthalates, and certain fragrances can act as endocrine disruptors, potentially affecting hormonal development and leading to issues like irregular menstrual cycles in girls, as well as hormone-related skin problems.

Psychological effects

This disturbing trend also has mental health implications. The pressure to maintain “perfect” skin can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, and and poor body image. Some teens may develop an unhealthy obsession with their appearance that is completely counterproductive to healthy all-round development. 

Expensive and unnecessary

As a parent, please don’t let your teen convince you that investment in these types of skincare products — which are often more expensive than those formulated for younger skin — is necessary. It isn’t, no matter what their favourite TikTok influencers say. Instead, a proper skincare routine for teens should focus on gentle cleansing, hydration, sun protection, and addressing specific concerns, like acne.

Guide your teens towards understanding the basics of skincare and encourage them to adopt routines that promote long-term skin health. You can always come in and see us if you need specific advice; we can help ensure that your teens are using products that are well suited to their developing skin. Remember: in the pursuit of healthy skin, less is often more — especially when it comes to youthful, resilient teenage skin.