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Janine Mendes-Franco

‘What I’ve envisioned for so long is finally coming to fruition’ 

Q: Congrats on the launch of The Greenhouse at Serpentine. Anyone walking through it will realise it’s more than just a space. What inspired you to create this wellness haven?

A: I’m so glad to be here and to share this journey, which really began during the COVID-19 pandemic, when I noticed a stark reality. Patients who were using the back entrance of the clinic to avoid contact with those being tested often commented on the peace they felt while walking through our garden. It was in those moments that I recognised a deeper issue. It struck me that this wasn’t just about physical health anymore; it was also about mental well-being — finding a sense of calm and comfort in the midst of chaos.

Q: How did this observation — and the experiences of your patients — help shape the idea for The Greenhouse?

A: The pandemic brought a lot of issues to the surface. We saw toddlers whose eczema flared due to isolation and lack of social interaction, primary schoolers suffering from severe anxiety and trichotillomania after prolonged screen time, and teenagers grappling with self-harm. On top of that, business professionals came in weighed down by stress, their psoriasis reflecting the mental strain they were under. It became clear that physical symptoms were often a manifestation of deeper emotional struggles. COVID-19 affected us all in various ways, but it also illuminated the urgent need for comprehensive mental health support. I realised I needed to do more.

Q: So how did you bridge the gap between recognising these challenges and doing something about it?

A: It all came back to the garden; specifically, my father’s greenhouse. That space had always been a sanctuary for him, a place of growth and nurturing. I started to wonder: could this greenhouse — this symbol of care and support — be transformed into a sanctuary for others? That’s when the idea began to take shape. I envisioned a space where people of all ages could not only seek help, but also learn the skills to navigate their struggles and thrive in their lives. Trinidad is home to many brilliant minds specialising in mental health and I believed Dad’s greenhouse could be the foundation for something far greater. That’s how The Greenhouse at Serpentine was born.

‘I am overcome with a profound sense of joy and fulfilment.’
— Dr. Tonya Abraham-Ali

Q: What a meaningful tribute to your father’s legacy. So what exactly does The Greenhouse offer?

A: We’ve built The Greenhouse at Serpentine on the principles of resilience and hope, assembling a dedicated team of experienced therapists and mental health professionals who provide exceptional care and alternative holistic therapies. Beyond that, we’re also committed to education. We aim to be a resource for families, teachers, and communities, fostering understanding, growth, and connection. It’s about creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the individuals who walk through our doors. We want to serve as an anchor. As our tagline says, The Greenhouse at Serpentine is where your journey to wellness takes root. 

We also offer a range of products that help you live your life in the best possible way – from handmade soaps and organic cleaners to decorative household items, ceramics, soy candles, beautiful fresh flowers and so much more; we really want to bring people together. Our in-house barista, with her amazing coffee, wellness shots and fresh juices, will certainly make people want to slow down and spend some time, even after shopping or attending a therapy session.

Q: So it’s more than just a clinic; it’s also a community initiative. What do you hope The Greenhouse will achieve?

A: My hope is that The Greenhouse becomes a beacon — a place where people feel safe, supported, and empowered to face life’s challenges. We want to make a meaningful impact on the emotional and mental health needs of our nation. If we can help even one person find clarity and strength, then we’ve succeeded. Whether you’re here for yourself, a friend or family member, you’re not alone. We’re here to walk with you, every step of the way.