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Janine Mendes-Franco

From the road to the stage, the friends to the fun, Carnival is ours and we love it — but don’t forget to also #loveyourskin during those two blissful days on the road. Here’s how…

Gyrate, but hydrate

We all know how intense the sun can be, so staying hydrated is crucial — both for your overall well-being, and for the appearance of your skin. Drink plenty of water and opt for hydrating skincare products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid to maintain your skin's moisture balance. 

The sunscreen is essential

Protecting your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays is non-negotiable. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it generously to all exposed skin, including often overlooked areas like your ears and the back of your neck. Reapply every two hours, especially if you're sweating. Two non-stop days in the sun can make lips dry and chapped, so a lip balm with SPF is also useful.

Keep it light 

We’re sure your costume is gorgeous, but is the fabric comfortable? Does is allow your skin to breathe? Pay special attention to any areas that feel irritated when you first try it on, and if necessary, get your costume adjusted beforehand in order to reduce the risk of friction on your skin.

Honour the ritual 

Carnival is a ritual — and so is your skincare routine! In the days leading up to Monday and Tuesday, take the time to exfoliate dead skin cells (check out our Top 5 treatments), which helps skin glow and allows for more effective application of moisturisers and sunscreen.

Keep your cool 

The lively energy of Carnival can be contagious, but it also comes with sweating and increased body temperature. Botox treatments are very effective for controlling underarm perspiration. You can also walk with facial mist or refreshing spray to cool down and invigorate your skin throughout the day. This will keep you feeling fresh and prevent your skin from becoming too oily.

Be mindful of your makeup

What would Carnival be without makeup? Whether you’re applying it yourself or using a professional MUA, opt for water-resistant, long-lasting formulas. Your makeup will need to withstand the heat and pace of the festivities without the need for frequent touch-ups that could potentially irritate your skin.

Post-Carnival skincare

Carnival will eventually be over, but your skincare routine shouldn’t be. In fact, it's crucial to pamper your skin to help it recover. No matter how tired you are, take a cool shower to wash away sweat and impurities, and use a gentle cleanser to avoid stripping your skin of essential oils. Follow up with a soothing moisturiser to replenish lost hydration.

Be skin-safe and #loveyourcarnival!